Long Island Truck Accidents Involving Bad Weather

Long Island roads are especially vulnerable to the adverse effects of bad weather because they are on an island. Any type of bad weather can be amplified next to the ocean or bay because of flooding. Flooding ruins roads and makes travel much more difficult for residents of Long Island. Sometimes winds are stronger by the ocean or by the bay, and rain and snow can be more severe as well.

For these reasons, Long Island truck accidents involving bad weather are particularly common. If you were injured in this type of truck accident, you should consider speaking with a dedicated attorney from our firm.

Warning Signs of Weather-Related Collisions

Truckers in Long Island should be aware of the warning signs that preclude a weather-related trucking accident. For example, any time there are very wet roads, there is a higher risk of a collision. Cars fishtailing or gliding in snowy conditions can cause an accident with a commercial vehicle that cannot stop quickly even in favorable weather. Additionally, rain impairs a trucker’s vision when driving.

Any of these conditions are indications of a heightened risk for Long Island trucking accidents involving bad weather. Cars having difficulty traversing the roads because of weather is a sign that something could happen if a truck driver is not careful.

A Truck’s Size and Weight as Contributing Factors

The size of commercial vehicles make them more difficult to handle in poor weather. Trucks, by virtue of their size, are always going to be more difficult to drive than a smaller vehicle. Because of their size, trucks are also extremely heavy and are therefore especially likely to cause catastrophic injuries in the event of a collision. A Long Island truck accident in inclement weather could have detrimental and even fatal consequences for another motorist and their passengers.

Assigning Liability for a Truck Crash in Dangerous Weather

Dangerous weather could impact the assignment of fault in a truck accident in Long Island. A trucker who drives too fast for the conditions or does not properly use their mirrors could be held liable. If safety features such as windshield wipers or lights do not work, or the truck’s maintenance is not up to date, the company responsible for vehicle health may be required to reimburse any damages which result from an accident.

Most Long Island truck crashes involving dangerous weather conditions are the result of a driver’s speeding and inattention. If a truck driver is on their cellphone texting or speaking or driving at a speed that is unreasonable for the conditions, it could significantly impact liability in the event of a collision.

Proving That Weather Conditions Caused an Accident

Evidence that could be used to prove that bad weather caused a truck accident after the condition has subsided includes certified records from the National Weather Association. These records would indicate the weather at the time of the accident and in the general area where it occurred. If a truck crash takes place in snowy conditions, an attorney would investigate how much snow was falling, how much had been there before the accident, whether there were any winds and how powerful they were, and even the temperature.

Similar questions would be answered in cases involving rainy weather, but a lawyer may also look into whether any flooding contributed to a commercial vehicle wreck. Weather reports provide attorneys with an idea of what it was like at the time of an accident. Additionally, any photographs or videos that were taken at the scene of the crash would be very helpful during litigation, as well.

Role of an Attorney in Long Island Truck Accidents Involving Bad Weather

A lawyer could help someone who has been injured in a Long Island truck accident due to poor weather conditions by taking photographs and videos of the scene, getting weather-related records, canvassing the area, contacting any witnesses, reviewing police reports, evaluating the damage to the vehicles, and looking to see if there are any skid marks on the road from the truck. Many newer commercial vehicles also have black boxes similar to those on airplanes that indicate the speed and diagnostics of the truck, and most importantly, if they were breaking at the moment of impact.

A member of our diligent legal team could help you collect these compelling pieces of evidence before entering litigation. Call us today to learn more about these important considerations from a qualified professional.

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