Long Island Truck Accident Settlements

Often, a person would seek a Long Island truck accident settlement to avoid going to trial. Settling a case can help a person avoid the risk associated with trial, especially if a skilled truck accident attorney is able to reach a fair amount with the other side. Ultimately, it is your decision whether to settle a case. However, an experienced attorney can carefully review all of the information in your case to help you make the decision that is best for you.

Options for Settling a Truck Accident Case

There are several options available for a truck accident settlement in Long Island. For example, an attorney could settle the case with the defense over the telephone. They could also mediate a case. Finally, a case could always be settled at trial.

The settlement process in Long Island is that the attorney for the injured party communicates with the attorney for the defendant or the insurance adjuster representing the defendant. Sometimes those discussions lead to a settlement that is finalized, meaning that it has been offered and accepted. Sometimes those discussions lead to mediation. The case is settled during mediation, which is another forum but is also a vehicle for settlement.

Who Decides to Settle Rather than go to Trial?

The decision to settle rather than go to trial is a partnership between the lawyer and the injured individual. An attorney could not do anything without their client’s permission. In other words, it is ultimately the injured person’s decision whether to settle.

Reasons why someone might settle rather than go to trial include that going to trial is a risk. For example, when a case goes to trial, a jury may find in favor of the defendant or award the individual an amount that is lower than what might be offered during a settlement. An attorney can examine the facts of a specific case to help the injured party determine whether to settle.

Meeting With an Attorney in Long Island

The specific information someone should take with them when going to an initial consultation with a lawyer are any available photographs. If they have the police report, it would also be helpful to take that. Any information regarding the other driver would also be important to share with an attorney. Finally, any information regarding any medical care they have received at that point would be helpful too. The more information an attorney has about the case, the better they can help guide the injured party.

Learn More About Long Island Truck Accident Settlements

A truck accident attorney would be of benefit to someone looking to settle a truck accident lawsuit in Long Island because they are experienced in negotiating these types of cases and in a position to best advise you. It takes years of experience and lots of knowledge to know whether a settlement is fair. The attorney would review the case thoroughly, to be able to build the strongest case possible. To discuss your case, call today for a consultation.

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