Case Results

DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients’ cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case.

Our client went to a popular nightclub in Island Park with a group of her friends. She was looking forward to a carefree night of dancing with her friends. Unfortunately, while dancing she slipped and fell on a spilled beer and ended her night in the emergency room at South Nassau Community Hospital.

Our investigation, which included witness testimony and pictures, helped us gather proof that the beer was on the dance floor for at least an hour before she fell. The client had a very bad broken ankle which required surgery and extensive physical therapy.

We were able to successfully resolve her claims at a mediation. She was very happy with the generous compensation we were able to get to cover her medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.

- Client collects from slip and fall on beer at a Long Island nightclub

In this railroad claim, our 39 year old client slipped and fell in a rail yard that was unkept and leaking water had frozen over. He sustained injuries to his knee. We were successful in obtaining a resolution for the client, after providing evidence of the conditions of the yard that the railroad should have cleaned and repaired the leak.

- Slip and fall in train yard

In this case, we acted as a co-counsel for a client who had a very serious accident in San Francisco. At the time of the accident he was attempting to descend from a scaffold and fell from a significant height. Unfortunately, the client who is married and had two children suffered significant brain damage. Prior to the case going to trial there was a twelve hour mediation which resulted in a settlement for the client and his family that paid the client and his family necessary monies over his lifetime.

- Construction worker falls on unsafe scaffolding

Our client who was married and a father of four, was fixing a broken air conditioning unit which was located on top of a commercial building. While doing his work he fell from an I-beam, which was supporting the air conditioning unit. He injured his knee and back. He had four surgeries on his knee and multiple forms of physical therapy. The court decided that our client did not need to prove liability and therefore we proceeded to negotiate the value of his claim. The case was resolved for a significant sum of money which allowed the client to live comfortably, although he could not go back to work. The case resolved because the insurance company knew that after the court decided liability in the client’s favor they were in a bad spot. The key in the case was convincing the court that the facts were in our favor. 

- Air conditioning repair man falls while working

In this railroad case, a 39 year old Long Island Railroad lineman sustained severe burns after he cut energized cables as part of a demolition and modification of a substation. Our office had evidence that the foreman did not take the appropriate actions in making sure that all the cables were de-energized prior to anybody cutting. As a result of the explosion the client received third degree burns to his upper extremities as well as back injuries. Although the client should have preformed his own tests before cutting the cables and has since resumed work full time we were able to resolve his case to his satisfaction.

- Electrical explosion after cutting live cable

In this case, a 36 year old Long Island Railroad lineman was attempting to move an extremely heavy reel of cable. The job was usually done with the assistance of a special truck a truck but because of repairs the client was ordered to move the reel manually. The client’s shoulder was injured and he was diagnosed with a torn rotator cuff. The client had surgery which resulted in some minor complications. The client resumed his full activities and we were able to resolve the matter to the client’s satisfaction. 

- Injured while lifting heavy cable

In this case, our client was a 40 year old Long Island Railroad lineman who fell from a communication pole he was working on. Our office claimed that the Long Island Railroad should have used a bucket truck for the client which would have prevented the accident. The client injured his back and had surgical injections to alleviate the pain from his herniated discs. The client went back to work and the case settled during trial to the client’s satisfaction.

- Fall from a communication pole

Our clients were the two daughters of a 61 year old mother and grandmother who was struck and killed by a driver who just did not see our client walking. Although, the laws in New York regarding the wrongful death of  others are written against the remaining family members we were able to achieve a significant recovery by showing that the decedent actually was conscious for a brief period therefore entitling her estate to money for pain and suffering. 

- Grandmother killed in Staten Island

Our client was coming off the ramp of the Triboro Bridge (now known as the Robert Kennedy Bridge) in Astoria when another car went through a stop sign. Our client, a sanitation worker tried to avoid the accident but was struck by the other vehicle and then lost control and slammed his sanitation truck into the side of a building. He damaged several of his fingers which required surgery. We were successful in obtaining the full insurance policy limits of the other vehicle.

- Sanitation worker slams into wall

Our client was a patient of a dental clinic in Brooklyn. On the date of the accident she was about to be seated in the dental chair when the arm collapsed and she fell out of the chair. We were able to show through the deposition of former employees that complaints were made, to the owners of the dental clinic, to fix the chair in question. The client sustained lower back injuries that resulted in back surgery. We were able to get a significant sum of money for the client. Of importance is that the moneys were paid directly from the owner of the clinic as there was no insurance.

- Client falls from broken dental chair

DISCLAIMER: The results are specific to the facts and legal circumstances of each of the clients’ cases and should not be used to form an expectation that the same results could be obtained for other clients in similar matters without reference to the specific factual and legal circumstances of each client’s case.

Neighbor Dispute Results in Big Win for Our Client

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