Types of Long Island Premises Liability Cases

It is important to be aware of the different types of Long Island premises liability cases when considering bringing a claim, as different situations will have their own requirements for filing and a property owner’s duty of care. Instead of getting bogged down in the details, consider retaining an experienced injury lawyer who can represent you so that you can spend more time focusing on your own medical recovery. Read on to learn more about the different types of Long Island premises liability cases, as well as the ways you could benefit from the assistance of a dedicated attorney today.

Common Cases Handled by a Long Island Attorney

Premises liability lawyers take cases where an individual was injured on another’s property. There are many different types of Long Island premises liability cases, as an injury could occur on either private, commercial, or public property. The type of property one is injured on will determine who is potentially at fault and how many defendants there may be. While an injury incurred on a private property may simply deal with the property owner as a defendant, suffering harm on a large commercial property could result in a much larger case.

Defendants in these situations could include contractors who were acting negligently at the scene, the owner of the premises, and even the owners of the entire company as well. A dedicated injury attorney can assist plaintiffs by determining the liable parties and working to hold them accountable for their actions.

How are Various Types of Claims Investigated Differently?

Some cases will require the assistance of an external professional who can help reconstruct the events of the accident by examining the damage that occurred. For example, by looking at a hazardous condition on a property, a professional could determine whether or not the condition took a long time to develop, and if the owner should have received a notice to fix it ahead of time. A reconstructionist can also investigate what the weather conditions were like at the time of the incident and how other environmental factors could have potentially aggravated the hazard as well.

Factors that Increase the Severity of a Case

The severity of a premises liability case can be affected by the length of time that the hazard was present. If a landlord had been ignoring a problem for a number of years, that case would be able to show their negligence much more clearly compared to if they very recently found out about the issue and did not have time to fix it. There may be mistakes that the landlord made to actually cause the hazard, such as locking an extra apartment without following the necessary building codes. The level of injury that was suffered will also impact a case and potentially sway a jury in one’s favor.

Steps to Take Following an Accident

After experiencing an accident, the first step an individual should take is to document the events by taking pictures of the area. Making a report to the store’s manager if it occurred in a commercial area and to the police will also help to serve as significant evidence. If the accident is not reported to anyone, it may be seen as a blind accident and could be considered suspicious by an insurance company. Witnesses can be very valuable ways to prove an accident happened as well, and taking down any of their contact information can be important if they need to be called upon in court.

If you wish to pursue compensation for your injuries, consider reaching out to an attorney experienced in the different types of Long Island premises liability cases today for your initial consultation.

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