Long Island Premises Liability Requirements

It can be extremely important to be aware of one’s Long Island premises liability requirements in order to help keep others safe on your premises and to fully understand the implications of your duty of care. This means that a property owner must keep their premises reasonably safe for visiting guests, or at least make their guests aware of anything that could threaten their safety while precautionary measures are being taken to fix that problem. Read on to learn more about how Long Island premises liability requirements could affect one’s ability to receive injury compensation, as well as the ways a skilled injury attorney could help you today.

Premises Liability Case Qualifications

In order for an individual to file a legitimate claim for premises liability injuries, there must be some type of negligence present on the part of the property owner. Just because someone was hurt on another’s property may not necessarily mean their case will be considered in court. However, if an individual is able to prove that the dangerous condition had been there for a long time and the owner took no steps to eradicate it, that could potentially be considered a breach of the duty of care. A professional injury attorney could look into this by interviewing neighboring witnesses to see how long the condition had existed and whether or not evidence such as videos or photographs showed its presence.

Different Types of Properties

It is important to know that a different standard of care exists for every property. The municipality possesses a law stating that it cannot have legal action brought against them unless they previously received a written notice telling them to fix the dangerous condition on the location. While this exists to help protect large municipalities from being sued, there are other types of areas where a property owner can be sued without receiving a written notice in advance.

For example, a sidewalk made of brick should be maintained from time to time to refill in the cement in the gaps between the bricks so that protruding bricks do not cause others to trip and injure themselves. If someone were to be injured by a sidewalk in this way that had fallen into disrepair, a lawyer experienced in Long Island premises liability requirements could help a plaintiff bring about a case.

What Will an Attorney Need to Prove Liability?

In order to help an individual with their case, a weathered attorney will need to know the address of the location, as well as some way to prove where the accident happened if it occurred outside. If the injury took place inside private property, the attorney may need to go to court and request a court order to get into that property if the owner does not let the attorney in of their own volition.

Any pictures taken at the scene of the accident can be very valuable in proving what happened as the owner could change the property in the interim, potentially making it very difficult for showing the conditions of the accident when it took place. Any security camera footage or other video media can be invaluable to help show one’s liability in court.

If you wish to learn more about Long Island premises liability requirements, reach out to a skilled injury attorney today for your initial consultation.

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