Long Island Construction Accident Premises Liability Cases

If you need assistance in filing Long Island construction accident premises liability cases, do not hesitate to reach out to a professional injury attorney for representation. Any time individuals are hired to repair or build a new structure, pedestrians near the site may be at risk of injury from a construction accident. Whether a contractor is working on a building, roadway, subways, or train, both pedestrians and the workers involved need to be extremely cautious. Read on to learn more about what goes into filing Long Island construction accident premises liability cases, as well as the ways a dedicated lawyer could make a difference for you.

Danger to Pedestrians

In New York, scaffolding is supposed to be put up while a building is under construction so that nothing falls on individuals walking below. The sidewalk must also be covered to prevent anyone from tripping on the passageway built under the scaffold. If someone is injured by tripping on uneven planking on the ground where a proper sidewalk cover should be, the scaffolding contractor could potentially be held liable for those damages. In this case, there could also be a general constructor and the property owner involved as well. In certain scenarios, all three of these parties could be defendants depending on how each individual contributed to the accident.

Common Injuries

In Long Island construction accident premises liability cases where construction workers fall from a significant height, they could receive multiple bone fractures leading to paralysis or even death. Instances where pedestrians trip and fall on hazardous conditions could potentially lead to a fractured wrist or twisted ankle. Other injuries could include broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and tissue damage.

Calculating Compensatory Damages

When compensatory damages are being evaluated in Long Island construction accident premises liability cases before trial, they are always broken down into categories to be considered by the jury: future medical expenses, past medical expenses, future lost wages, lost wages to present, as well as one’s pain and suffering experienced at the time of the accident to the trial. The monetary cost of all these factors gets put together to help determine whatever verdict a jury comes down to.

Comparative Negligence Laws

Because Long Island is a part of New York state, it also follows its rule of comparative negligence. This allows an individual to recover against the defendant for whatever percentage the defendant was responsible for causing an accident in Long Island construction accident premises liability cases.

Role of an Experienced Injury Attorney

If an individual has been injured in a construction accident, they need to call a skilled injury attorney as soon as possible to be able to follow up on whether or not their case is valid. A lawyer could help determine who owns the area and who was carrying out the construction. If a faulty scaffold was used, an attorney will want to get a picture of it before it is taken down.

It can be very difficult to prepare Long Island construction accident premises liability cases if the plaintiff waits to open their claim because construction sites can be filled with several random subcontractors on any given day, and a lawyer will want to gather all the pertinent information before it disappears. If you wish to pursue compensation for your damages, consider reaching out to a dedicated injury attorney today for your initial consultation.

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