Westbury Dangerous Drugs Lawyer  

Many people rely on pharmaceutical drugs to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Approximately 60 to 70 percent of Americans regularly take at least one prescription drug. With an increasing dependence on prescription medication, drug manufacturers must be more cautious and careful to prevent dangerous side-effects.

If you suffered an injury or illness from taking a drug that turned out to be dangerous, a dedicated personal injury attorney might be able to help you determine whether you have a valid claim. You could be at a disadvantage against pharmaceutical companies without the professional guidance of qualified legal counsel. A skilled Westbury dangerous drugs lawyer could speak with you about your legal options as you seek recovery.

Overview of Dangerous Drug Lawsuits

The dangers associated with taking pharmaceutical drugs are not always apparent. Prescription medication must come with notice of potential side-effects, but the inherent risks of drugs are not as easily identifiable. Injuries could be nuanced and manifest later on, or be different than the side-effects that were forewarned.

Strict Liability

A person who suffers unexpected adverse effects from taking a dangerous drug might be able to file a personal injury case based on product liability. The pharmaceutical industry must adhere to federal regulations and procedures as well as state requirements outlined in New York Education Laws Article 137.

A defendant manufacturer could be held strictly liable for a plaintiff’s injuries when their drug is sold with an inadequate warning label. For example, someone who becomes injured or ill as a result of taking a prescribed drug which did not list side-effects on the label may pursue a civil suit based on the company’s inadequate warnings.


Plaintiffs injured by dangerous drugs may also cite negligence as a legal cause of action against responsible parties. To prove that a drug manufacturer was negligent, an injured claimant must prove the following:

  • The defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of reasonable care to make and sell the product without dangerous defects and unknown risks
  • The defendant breached their duty of care
  • The defendant’s breach directly caused the plaintiff’s injuries or illness
  • The plaintiff suffered harm as a result of the dangerous product

Fortunately, a seasoned Westbury dangerous drugs attorney could help an injured claimant establish these items and obtain maximum compensation for negligent manufacturers.

Compensation for Injuries Related to Hazardous Medication

Those injured by dangerous drugs in Westbury may seek three types of damages in a dangerous drug claim. Economic damages are those which have an easily discernable value and might include medical bills, out-of-pocket expenses, and lost wages.

Alternatively, non-economic damages are typically more difficult to quantify. Pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life are some examples of non-economic damages which can be compensated in a successful civil suit.

Punitive damages are rarely awarded and are designed to punish an at-fault defendant for their wrongful actions. Additionally, these would be awarded to deter others from acting similarly in the future. A knowledgeable dangerous drugs lawyer in Westbury could help a plaintiff pursue adequate compensation to recover their losses.

Contact a Westbury Dangerous Drugs Attorney Today

Suffering from the effects of a dangerous drug can be an overwhelming experience. A diligent Westbury dangerous drugs lawyer could provide the structure and assistance you may need to seek monetary recovery. Start exploring your options today; call now to schedule a consultation.

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