Bronx Bullying Lawyer

Bullying is a widespread problem throughout New York that could negatively impact a child’s development, in and out of school. Legally speaking, any harassment, stalking, or incidents of direct violence against a specific person may count as an instance of bullying. If you or your child is the target of abuse, intimidation, or threats, consider contacting a Bronx bullying lawyer to discuss your legal options.

If the bullying led to physical harm, for example, you may be able to sue the perpetrator directly for their actions. In addition, schools in the Bronx have an obligation under state law to provide an educational space free from abuse, threats, and other forms of bullying. A failure to do so may, therefore, also create a cause of action to demand payment from them.

A compassionate and well-versed personal injury attorney could help you and your child to consider your legal options. Then, a legal professional could conduct an investigation into the incident, examine whether the incident took place on school grounds, and advise you of your legal options to take appropriate action.

Anti-Bullying Laws in Schools

Bullying is legally prohibited under New York Education Laws §12. To this end, each school is required to create and implement an age-appropriate anti-bullying plan and to teach this plan to all school members—both students and faculty. Schools that fail to follow these rules, therefore, may be subject to civil liability for any resulting incidents of intimidating and harassment.

A Bronx bullying lawyer could help an individual or their parents affected by bullying to better understand their rights under state law. Furthermore, they could take appropriate legal action against an individual or the school system when violations of these rights occur.

Taking Direct Action Against Harassment in The Bronx

The legal system recognizes the intense physical and emotional pain that bullies inflict upon their targets. Unfortunately, despite the legal mandates against this behavior, incidents still frequently occur. An individual affected by bullying may be able to seek legal recourse, however.

If an incident results in the physical or psychological harm of a student, as mentioned above, they or their parent may be able to request compensation in civil court. Specifically, assaults, thefts, and cyberbullying could all cause damage that might constitute a lawsuit.

If the perpetrator of the bullying incident is under the age of 18, their parents must take responsibility for the actions of their children. A seasoned attorney could assist a claimant or their parents to pursue legal claims against the perpetrators of these incidents and their parents, if necessary. These claims could demand compensation for associated medical bills, lost educational opportunities, and mental anguish, among others.

How a Bronx Bullying Attorney Might Help

If you or a loved one is suffering from intimidation, threats, or harassment, you may be overwhelmed, frightened, and unsure of how to proceed. However, you may be able to seek legal action against the perpetrator and request compensation for your damages.

Instead of navigating the legal system alone, however, consider contacting a dedicated Bronx bullying lawyer about taking legal action. A claim may be able to target both the perpetrators of the bullying and their parents, as well as the school where these incidents occurred. Call a hard-working attorney to discuss your experiences and to explore your legal options today.

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