Baldwin Drunk Driving Car Accident Lawyer

Despite years of work to decrease drunk driving across the country, intoxicated drivers are still relatively common in Baldwin. Given the effects alcohol has on a person’s ability to operate their vehicle safely, drunken drivers are a common cause of accidents. In many cases, the injuries in these accidents are catastrophic.

If you suffered an injury due to a drunk driver, you could face mounting medical bills and your other expenses could go unpaid if you are too injured to return to work. A practiced car accident attorney could benefit you during this difficult time. A Baldwin drunk driving car accident lawyer could help you determine the strength of your injury claim and your options for moving forward with litigation.

Intoxicated Driving Laws

State law is clear, it is unlawful to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In Baldwin, a driver could be arrested and convicted for operating a vehicle on a public street with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or higher.

There are other laws related to driving under the influence as well. In addition to alcohol, state law bans driving with narcotics or certain prescription drugs as well. The criminal penalties for these infractions can be steep, but they are not the only consequences of driving under the influence. A Baldwin drunk driving car accident attorney could also hold an intoxicated driver responsible by filing a civil lawsuit.

Civil Consequences for Drunk Drivers

The consequences of drunk driving could be significant if the driver’s reckless actions result in an accident. Anyone injured in a crash with an intoxicated driver could bring a personal injury lawsuit against the driver to recover monetary compensation for their injuries.

Prevailing in an injury lawsuit requires a plaintiff to demonstrate that the defendant acted negligently when they caused the accident. Given the inherent risk, evidence of driving while intoxicated can generally be used to show the at-fault driver was negligent.

A civil lawsuit differs significantly from criminal prosecution. A drunk driver does not face the risk of incarceration or a driver’s license suspension in a personal injury lawsuit. Instead, the remedy available to victims in these types of cases is financial compensation. That does not mean that a drunk driver could not also face criminal prosecution, however. It is not unusual for a person involved in a drunk driving injury lawsuit to also face criminal charges.

If the injured party is successful at trial, they could recover significant compensation. A drunk driving car accident lawyer in Baldwin could work to identify the types of damages available in a case. This could include financial compensation for pain and suffering, hospital bills, or lost wages.

Contact a Baldwin Drunk Driving Car Accident Attorney Right Away

There is no valid excuse for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. When these reckless drivers injure another person in a wreck, it is only just that they cover the cost of the injured party’s recovery.

To bring a lawsuit, you could benefit from the help of the right attorney. Contact a Baldwin drunk driving car accident lawyer to learn more.

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