Baldwin Bullying Lawyer

Bullying is a serious problem at schools and universities across the nation. With modern technology, bullies can access their victims via the internet or text. Bullying can also have an immensely negative impact on every aspect of the victim’s life.

If your child was bullied at school, you may be wondering what measures you can take to stop it. The school has an obligation to stop bullying, but if they are aware of bullying, and make no effort to prevent it, they can be held liable if the bullying leads to the mental or physical injury of a student. A Baldwin bullying lawyer can help. A compassionate injury lawyer can work with you to bring a claim to hold the school accountable for their actions.

Behaviors Considered Bullying

There are many behaviors that can be considered bullying. Schools and other institutions are legally obligated to come to the defense of bullied children. Bullying comes in many forms, including the following:

  • Bullying – The act of physical or verbal abuse repeated over time involving a power imbalance
  • Cyberbullying – The act of using the internet and social media to bully a person
  • Hazing – Utilizing harassing behaviors to initiate others into a club or group (often associated with fraternities and sororities)
  • Teasing – Making unwanted or harassing comments to degrade or provoke a person

The forms of bullying listed above can be difficult to identify and these behaviors are often dismissed as routine childhood behavior. However, it goes too far when a person begins to suffer physically and mentally.

Compensation for Families in Baldwin

Depending on the circumstances of the case, parents and students may be eligible for financial compensation. If bullying caused a person to incur expenses, they may be eligible for compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages (if parents were forced to take time off)
  • Medical bills
  • Damaged property

Bullying and Wrongful Death

If bullying causes the death of a child, the parents may be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible party. To prove a person or party is responsible for the wrongful death of another person, a Baldwin bullying lawyer must prove a person has died as the result of the carelessness of another person. For example, if a person is killed in a hazing accident, and the school was aware of the hazing, they can be held liable for their carelessness.

The party filing the wrongful death claim may be eligible for financial compensation. The compensation a party receives is meant to reimburse them for any expenses they incurred because of the bullying. In rare circumstances, the court may also decide to award punitive damages to punish the defendant and prevent them from engaging in similar behavior in the future.

Consult a Baldwin Bullying Attorney

If your child was mentally or physically harmed by bullying, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. When a school fails to protect a child, they should be held liable. It is imperative to take action immediately if you believe you have a case; you only have a limited amount of time to file suit. Consult a Baldwin bullying lawyer now to learn more.

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