Long Island Lawyer–How to Stay Safe in the Heat

Staying Hydrated During New York Summer

With the recent heat wave in the area, there’s sure to be an increase in heat related medical emergencies. Therefore, our attorneys are offering the Long Island and New York communities some advice for how you can beat the heat:

1) Stay in the AC – Try to remain within the confines of an air conditioned home. If your home doesn’t have AC, try spending time at a public facility with AC, such as a library.

2) Dress Right – Wear light colors and clothes with thin materials. Also, by wearing a hat, you can protect your face from the sun.

3) Hydrate- Make sure that you consume plenty of liquids throughout the day.

4) Be Smart When Outside – Take it easy and try not to over exert your body. Also, spend as much time in the shade as possible.

5) Be alert – Understand the symptoms of heat stroke and dehydration, and recognize when you may be experiencing these conditions.

By following these tips, you will be able to enjoy a happier, healthier, and safer summer. For more information on summer safety, read our blog, “3 Things Not to Do this Summer.”

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