Three Things Not To Do This Summer on Long Island

Swimming prohibited sign

Summer Safety: 3 Things To Not Do This Summer
The summer months often yield warm weather, golden tans, and time off from both work and school. While the summer may be a time to “kick-back and relax,” one must also be aware of the numerous risks and hazards that arise while having fun under the sun. Before partaking in the vaious summer acitvities that the New York and Long Island areas have to offer, one should take heed of the following dangers in order to enjoy a safe, happy, and healthy summer.

Drinking and Driving– The summer months often bear an increase in party going and in alcohol consumption. Naturally, this leads to immense amounts of drinking and driving accidents. In 2013, 10,076 people died in drunk driving accidents. One every 52 minutes and 290,000 were injured in drunk driving crashes. Because of the perils that drinking and driving presents, one should think twice this summer before getting into a car while under the influence. For more information on drinking and driving accidents click here 

Swimming without Lifeguards– While the scorching sun may tempt us to seek refreshment in the pool or ocean, one should check that there are lifeguards present before deciding to dive in. The article, “No Lifeguard of Duty? No Swimming!,” speaks of the dangers that come along with swimming without a lifeguard. According to the article, one is at least five times more likely to drown when swimming without the watchful eye of a lifeguard. Even adults and experienced swimmers are at risk. Therefore, this summer, don’t dive in unless a lifeguard is watching!

Carelessly Operating a Boating Vehicle– As the weather warms, the boats begin to come out. Because of the vast emptiness of the open waters, boat operators fall under the false impression that it’s alright to drive without experience or attention, and while under the influence of alcohol. A great amount of accidents occur each year as drivers recklessly abandon the wheel of their boats and drive while drunk. These accidents result in thousands of injuries and hundreds of deaths. This summer, be sure to operate your boat with attention and care. For more information on boating accidents click here.

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