Bay Shore Truck Accident Damages

If you or a loved one were injured in a truck collision, you might be eligible for damages. Bay Shore truck accident damages are awarded to victims of negligence to help them with their recovery. In a truck collision, the claimant may be able to recover economic, non-economic, and punitive damages. A dedicated truck accident lawyer could help you recover the damages that you deserve. Call today and set up a consultation with a well-versed attorney.

Economic Damages

Economic damages include the monetary loss that the victim suffered due to the accident. Economic damages include medical expenses, future medical expenses, lost wages, future lost wages, property damages, and other out-of-pocket expenses related to the crash. If there is any loss of money that the injured party is not being reimbursed for, then that will be a part of economic damages.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages generally refer to pain and suffering. Pain and suffering are usually something that has to be compiled by looking at medical documents, looking at how much time the person lost from work, and overall looking at how the accident and the injuries have affected that person’s life. Often, that comes in the form of testimony from the injured person, so it is somewhat subjective.

Non-economic damages also include loss of enjoyment of activities, permanent disability, disfigurement, and emotional distress. Typically, a jury calculates the non-economic damages. In rare instances, a judge may determine the amount.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are rarely awarded in truck crash cases. Punitive damages are awarded to punish the at-fault party for egregious or extremely reckless behavior. For example, punitive damages may be awarded if the negligent party was driving drunk and their impairment caused the wreck.

What Damages Does a Driver’s Auto Insurance Cover?

New York has no-fault insurance, which means if a person is in another vehicle and they get into an accident with a truck, the insurance company for their vehicle will cover all their medical bills, hospital bills, pharmaceutical bills, and a percentage of their time off from work. If they are a pedestrian in the accident, the driver’s insurance will cover those issues for them.

Property damages would be included in no-fault insurance. However, some people drive older cars and they do not get the full extent of what might be available to them.

What are Common Truck Crash Injuries?

Common injuries in truck accidents include:

  • Facial fractures
  • Hip fractures
  • Broken bones
  • Neck injuries
  • Head Injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Death

The severity of the injuries is due to the fact that trucks often way upwards of two tons.

People injured in truck accidents may have permanent disabilities that would affect their daily activity, including issues with walking, sleeping, eating, standing, and more. This can affect their career and personal life. Injured victims may lose their job, income, benefits, and insurance, and this has a profound effect not only on them but on their immediate family. Injured people should consult with a lawyer right away about recovering Bay Shore truck accident damages.

How a Bay Shore Attorney Could Help with Recovering Truck Accident Damages

There are many ways that an experienced lawyer could help you with recovering Bay Shore truck accident damages. An attorney could gather evidence, build a case, speak with insurance companies, and fight for your right to compensation. If you were injured in a truck crash, call today and set up a consultation.

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