Drunk Driving Car Accidents in Rockaway Beach

Getting into a car accident is always frustrating, but in some cases, it can be life-changing. Wrecks involving drunk drivers can lead to significant disabilities, financial devastation, and emotional trauma. In those instances, someone’s intentional and avoidable negligence has led to your injuries and property damage. You deserve justice and compensation for your damages and losses.

Even when the other driver was clearly intoxicated, it can be challenging to recover. These individuals may also face criminal charges, making them reluctant to settle any claims related to the collision. Additionally, third parties may share liability for the crash under Dram Shop laws. A diligent car collision attorney who handles drunk driving car accidents in Rockaway Beach could help you recover damages from the at-fault party.

Drunk Driving Laws

Under New York Vehicle and Traffic Law § 1192, the legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is .08. This leads many people to believe that it is safe to drive with a BAC under .08. The reality is that alcohol begins to impair driving as soon as the BAC is .01. Even one alcoholic drink has the potential to impair perception, attentiveness, and visual function.

Even if a driver is not above the legal BAC, alcohol may contribute to their negligence. While evidence of this will not be enough proof, it can help establish a claim. The police should administer tests after a crash if they believe that intoxicated driving played a role in a Rockaway Beach car collision. A seasoned lawyer could document all vital information and evidence from police reports to help their client’s case.

Injuries from Drunk Driving Car Wrecks

Drunk driving crashes may lead to more severe injuries than other motor vehicle accidents. Intoxicated motorists may be more likely to speed, drive in the wrong direction, or run stop lights and signs, which can cause some of the most dangerous collisions. Common injuries caused by a drunk driving wreck include the following:

These injuries can be short-term or long-term; some may require extensive medical care, easily costing thousands of dollars. They can also impair the ability to work, resulting in lost wages or loss of earning capacity.

Recovering Damages in Drunk Driving Collisions

Damages refer to the monetary award a court provides a plaintiff in a lawsuit, and settlements are based on an estimate of losses. A knowledgeable attorney who handles drunk driving car crashes in Rockaway Beach could review the facts in a case and estimate the potential settlement or compensation range.

Economic damages refer to those that replace the injured party’s financial losses. These include:

  • Property damage
  • Current and future medical bills
  • Loss of earning capacity and wages
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Costs of adaptive equipment or changes in the home

In addition, an injured person may be entitled to certain non-economic damages. These include more subjective losses, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Disfigurement
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of consortium

Similarly, punitive damages are reserved for the most egregious cases. Drunk driving is one of the conditions that can trigger courts to issue a punitive damage award, mainly if the motorist has a history of driving under the influence.

Learn More About Rockaway Beach Drunk Driving Car Accidents Today

If a drunk driver has injured you or a loved one, the aftermath can be overwhelming as you deal with medical-related expenses and emotional trauma. As you focus on healing, our team could help you recover the damages you deserve.

A hardworking personal injury attorney with Goldstein & Bashner could review your case and advise you on the following steps to pursue your claim. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about obtaining compensation for drunk driving car accidents in Rockaway Beach.

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