What to Know About STDs and Sexual Assaults on School and College Campuses

Long Island STD and Sexual Assault Lawyer

Each year, nearly 19 million people will contract an STD. About half of this group is between the ages of 15-24 years old. The spreading of STDs has been done through both consensual and non-consensual sexual activities. Regardless, STDs and sexual assaults seem to be extremely prevalent on college campuses.

Too often teeens do not practice safe sex or monitor their body health. It has been shown that neglecting to engage in safe sex practices can put a real dent in your wallet.

Can You Sue for Getting an STD?

There have been legal cases in which people have filed civil lawuits against a partner who may have given the accuser an STD. So before heading back to the college campuses next fall, here are some things college students should know about the spreading of STDS.

One can be held liable for spreading an STD in several different ways: 

  1. If an individual knowingly has an STD and engages in sexual activites with a partner, the individual can be charged with fraud, battery, and negligence.
  2. If a person gives his or her partner an STD with no knowledge of previously having any sort of infection, that individual can still be held liable. A person who unknowingly spreads an STD can still be charged with fraud and negligence.
  3. Although it may be a more extreme case, one can also be liable for spreading an STD through the sexual assault of another individual. In this scenario, a person can be held responsible for the spreading of an infection as well as sexual assault.

Whether you were knowingly given an STD or not, through consensual sex or through sexual assault, you may be able to collect monetary compensation for any physical and emotional damages that you have sustained. In the past year there have been numerous large settlements in which those infected with STDs have been compensated for damages. Damages include but are not limited to physical injuries, an increase in medical expenses, sterility, difficulty giving birth, and emotional troubles.

Contact Our Experienced Lawyers for Answers

If you have been given an STD, you may have a case. We understand you may be nervous, scared, embarrassed and unsure what to do and that is why we are here to help. At Goldstein and Bashner, we have extensive experience in handling these types of cases throughout the New York and Long Island areas.

Our consultations are free, and we can help you to obtain rewards for the terrible life changing diseases that you have been unjustly exposed to. Call us today at 516-217-9097.

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