What do you do if you suspect your child is being sexually abused? Here are some signs to look for, but it is important to remember that children will only show some of these signs, and that these signs are only possible indicators of abuse.
It is devastating to imagine an innocent child as the victim of sexual abuse, and if you suspect your child is being abused, it is important to stay calm and act rationally. Report the crime immediately and get help for your child and yourself. If your child confides in you, let them know that you believe them. Reassure your child that they have done the right thing in telling you and that it is not their fault. Let them know you love them.
At Goldstein & Bashner, our New York and Long Island sexual abuse lawyers have extensive experience in dealing these cases and are sensitive to the fear, confusion, embarrassment and pain young victims of sexual abuse are experiencing. We have helped work with the entire family as both a close companion and as competent legal advisers. We put all our efforts in collecting the compensation deserved for the physical and emotional injuries these young, innocent victims have suffered. Contact us for a free, private consultation. We will answer all your questions, discuss your case and let you know what you can expect from the legal process.