Various States Help Support Sexual Assault Victims with Grants from DOJ

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In December, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced $6.5 million in grants to over 50 anti-sexual-assault programs operated by non-profits, state agencies, and hospitals.

This money will go towards funding local hotlines and services for sexual assault victims, including counseling, therapy for trauma, and assistance with advocacy, as well as local prevention and education efforts in communities, schools, and colleges. Grants like these are representative of a nationwide effort to support sexual assault victims across numerous states and communities.

The Department of Justice’s Role in Assault Prevention

The purpose of the Office on Violence Against Women within the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) is to provide leadership in developing the country’s capacity to reduce violence against women and bolster services to survivors of sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, and stalking. The Office has given out over $30 million to applicants nationwide.

The money goes to organizations working to combat sexual assault and abuse. The grants also support assault and abuse survivors—including assistance with transitional housing, legal assistance, and education to help civil and criminal justice systems respond to assault.

There are also awards targeted specifically for traditionally underserved populations including children, tribal lands residents, women with disabilities, and rural residents.

Recent Grants from the Office on Violence Against Women

Two communities in Wisconsin recently received federal funding from the DoJ’s Office on Violence Against Women, for assistance in responding to sexual assault and domestic violence issues.

The Sitka Tribe of Alaska also received two grants from the DoJ’s Office on Violence Against Women, on top of an additional $2 million in federal grant money to aid victims of domestic violence obtained from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

In Oregon, the District Attorney’s office in Curry County and a shelter received a federal award for almost half a million dollars for funding for jobs and prioritize cases involving sexual assault and violence.

These grants help and go a long way in a system that’s often very hard to navigate for survivors of sexual and domestic violence. Without this funding, states will be less able to assist their citizens who have suffered assault and abuse rebuild their lives and hold their perpetrators accountable.

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