Should Queens Construction Site Owner Be Behind Bars?

How safe are construction sites for the workers? Not very safe at all if the developer is Thomas Huang, a convicted felon known for his shoddy work throughout Queens, NY. Just recently, one construction worker was killed and three others were seriously injured when a concrete wall came crashing down on them at one of Huang’s construction sites in Elmhurst, Queens. “I saw the wall collapse on top of the guys,” said Gerardo Escalon, a fellow worker. “One of the guys was not moving at all. I panicked.”

At this Elmhurst site alone, Thomas Huang and companies he owns or uses have racked up 20 hazardous building code violations and $42,000 in unpaid fines, according to the New York Daily News. It cost the life of Hedilberto Sanchez, a 27-year-old father from Corona. “I want his permit taken away,” said Sanchez’s widow, who is six months pregnant and has two children.

Though Huang and his family have a reputation for building too quickly and cheaply, ignoring building codes, using unlicensed workers, and flouting zoning regulations, they continue to build. They have been sued repeatedly and have had dozens of formal complaints filed against them.

“Tommy Huang should be behind bars, and his family and his companies should all be prohibited from doing construction in New York forever,” said Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside), who has fought with the developer for decades.

New York has very specific and strict construction laws to keep workers safe. When these regulations are violated, as Huang’s companies have done for decades, it puts everyone on the site at risk.

Employers, owners, contractors and their agents are obligated to provide safe working conditions and can be held liable for construction injuries. There are specific laws for construction sites that can be confusing and difficult to understand. At Goldstein & Bashner, we have been working on construction cases and have represented workers injured in:

* Crane accidents
* Labor law construction accidents
* Elevator construction accidents
* Demolition accidents
* Scaffolding accidents
* Falls

If you’ve been injured in a construction accident, you may be entitled to compensation for pain and suffering, financial distress, lost wages, medical expenses and other costs associated with your injury. Contact our offices today for a free consultation. We will examine your case, answer any questions, and let you know what you can expect from the legal process.

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