Options for Motorcycle Hit and Run Victims to Recover Compensation

Motorcycle accident

Motorcycles are difficult to see so their riders are often involved in accidents. Unfortunately, not all drivers stop to offer aid after a crash. If you or a loved one was involved in a hit and run motorcycle crash, you might be wondering how you will possibly pay for your damages. Learn more about your recovery options for a motorcycle hit and run below.

What are my options?

In most hit and runs, victims would just turn to their personal injury protection (PIP) insurance; however, PIP does not cover motorcycles in New York. This leaves you with four options:

Uninsured Motorist Coverage

If you have uninsured motorist (UM) coverage, you can recover up to the limits of your policy. It will also cover you if the police locate the driver and you find out he has no insurance.

It is important to note that UM coverage is optional, so you must check your policy.

Even though you pay your premiums, unfortunately, your insurer will likely try to pay you the smallest amount possible. We will stand up against your insurer and get you the compensation you need and deserve.

Medical Payments Coverage

Also optional, medical payments (MedPay) coverage will help pay your medical bills up to the limits of your policy.

Health Insurance

Once you have exhausted your UM and MedPay coverages, you may have another option. If you have regular health insurance through your employer or otherwise, your health insurance might cover some of your medical expenses.

Be forewarned, however, that some health insurance policies specifically exclude coverage for motor vehicle accidents, with the rationale that your vehicle insurance should cover bills from vehicle accidents.

Dealing with these insurance issues is highly technical and complicated. Do not be surprised if the insurance companies deny coverage even when you have a valid claim that they should cover. A motorcycle accident lawyer will help you understand the insurance issues and will deal with the insurance companies on your behalf.

Claim or Lawsuit Against the Driver

In many hit and run drivers, police are never able to locate the driver. However, if law enforcement is able to find your hit and run driver, you can file a claim with his insurance.

If you had to use your UM, MedPay, or personal health insurance coverage to pay your medical bills while officers were locating the driver, you can include that in your claim.

Unfortunately, in many cases, the driver fled the scene because he was uninsured. If this is the case, you can file a lawsuit against the driver.

Call Goldstein & Bashner for Help in Long Island

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a hit and run motorcycle accident, recovering compensation might be difficult. But you have a dedicated legal team on your side. The team at Goldstein & Bashner will give your case the attention it deserves and we will fight for your rights. Call us today at 516-874-4362 to schedule an appointment for your free consultation.

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