Here’s an alarming statistic—one in five female students will be sexually assaulted while they are at college. We know you love your daughter, which is why it is so important to do everything to ensure her safety and protect her rights.
If you have a daughter that has EVER complained to you about a boy sexually harassing or assaulting her, it is important to get help immediately. If you even think it is possible that your daughter was sexually assaulted, it is important to show her your full and complete support and understand that there are helpful resources available.
Our compassionate lawyers have more than 40 years combined experience working with young sexual assault victims and their families. We work closely to help ease the range of emotions , including fear, pain and embarrassment, that too often prevent victims from seeking help. Even if you are not sure you want a lawyer, please feel free to contact us with any questions. We are also always willing to sit down for a free, more detailed consultation where we can discuss your case, what to expect from the legal process and the best course of action that takes into account what is best for your daughter’s emotional well-being.
Legal experts work with a team of investigators and medical experts to help victims obtain the maximum compensation they deserve for their physical injuries and emotional pain. We have helped numerous assault victims find some sort of closure and receive compensation that helped them pay medical bills and start the long road to healing and recovery.
If your child was a victim of sexual assault, contact us for more information and to learn your legal options.