Massive Housing and Commercial Development Begins in Far Rockaway


Work on 240,000 square feet of living space and 23,000 square feet of commercial space has commenced on Beach 116th Street in Far Rockaway, which the developer hopes will spur more development on 116th Street to bring upscale amenities to the area.

The Marcal Group is the developer on the project, which will be called “Seaside Landing”, and it will begin with demolition of several vacant buildings. Once demolition is complete, the site will be readied and then the construction of the primary nine-story building and the adjacent buildings will begin. The Marcal Group indicated that none of the housing or retail will be geared towards affordability, but that they do intend to have roughly 150 units dedicated for senior affordable housing, with individuals needing $40,000 in income to satisfy requirements. Once completed, the developers hope the project will drive additional development in the 116th Street area, including the development of a neighboring nursing home and a long-vacant theatre on the boardwalk.

“Projects like this are wonderful for the Rockaway area and will bring a needed lift to the Beach 116th Street area,” said Neal A. Goldstein, a personal injury attorney with the law firm of Goldstein & Bashner in New York City. “However, these projects also have inherent risks associated with attempting to build a large development on a short timeline. Workers are pushed to stay on schedule and end up taking shortcuts to keep pace. However, worker safety and safety procedures should never take a back seat.”

Additionally, demolition and site development can lead to pedestrian injuries if the construction site is not properly marked and managed. “It only takes failing to mark an open ditch being dug for a short amount of time for someone to get hurt,” says Goldstein. Falling debris from the demolition itself can also be a source of harm for those below.

Goldstein said that these types of injuries, though unfortunate, do happen with large construction projects. However, that does not mean that the safety practices required with projects such as this one can be avoided. “These projects are important to the community, but so is safety and ensuring that anyone who suffers an injury due to the failure to follow safety guidelines is fairly compensated,” he said. Anyone who suffers an injury in this or any construction project should consult with a dedicated personal injury attorney to better understand their options.

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