Sports Concussions and Kids—Can I Sue?

Youth Sports Concussion

Head impacts and concussions caused by contact sports have dramatically increased in the past decade, as sports become more competitive and serious at younger ages These head injuries can be serious, and yet kids are not even always taken out of a game after suffering a blow to the head. Even fewer receive any medical attention.

Read What to Know if Your Child Suffers a Sports Concussion to learn the signs and symptoms of concussions

Sports Concussions are Far Too Common in Young Athletes

Some statistics about sports concussions:

  • 5-10% of athletes will experience a concussion in any given sport season
  • Football is the most common sport with concussion risk for males (75% chance)
  • Soccer is the most common sport with concussion risk for females (50% chance)
  • 78% of concussions occur during games (as opposed to practices)
  • Headache (85%) and Dizziness (70-80%) are most commonly reported symptoms immediately following concussions for injured athletes. Fewer than 10% involve a loss of consciousness
  • Estimated 47% of athletes do not report feeling any symptoms after a concussive blow
  • Impact speed of a football player tackling a stationary player: 25 mph
  • Impact speed of a soccer ball being headed by a player: 70 mph

Sports Concussions and Negligence

Concussions can have serious long-term effects. When they are caused or made worse by the negligence of a coach, trainer, league or referee, it is even more distressing. Examples of possible negligence:

  • Unsafe equipment being used
  • Lack of proper safety gear
  • Not taking an injured player out of the game
  • Training drills that are inappropriate for skill level or age
  • Not allowing proper medical assistance when necessary

Have Questions? Call Our Sports Injury Attorneys Today

If your child suffered a sports-related concussion and you have questions, give our sports injury lawyers a call. We will answer all your questions, let you know your legal options and discuss the best course of action. There is never a fee or obligation.

If you chose to pursue a lawsuit, our top-notch investigators and medical experts will provide the evidence to present the best case possible. We will determine all the liable parties involved—this may include a team, the overseeing organization, a trainer, a facility—to help get you the money you may need to pay medical bills and compensate for pain and suffering.

Contact us today at 516-217-9097!

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