Queens Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The spinal cord is a column of tissue that runs through the back and neck, carrying messages to and from the brain. Damage to this area can lead to severe disabilities, including paralysis. These injuries require costly treatment and can impact your entire life. If someone’s negligent acts caused your catastrophic injury, civil courts may entitle you to compensation for these losses.

You do not need to navigate this process alone. With the help of a knowledgeable Queens spinal cord injury lawyer, you could seek justice for your accident. A catastrophic injury attorney is ready to get to work for you.

Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Any accident or violent act that results in trauma to someone’s neck or back can cause permanent damage to the spinal cord. Some common causes of spinal cord injuries include the following:

Auto Accidents

Vehicle collisions can lead to drivers or passengers sustaining a sudden blow to their spinal cord. The impact of another vehicle can damage a driver or passenger’s spinal column, the vertebrae, nerves, tissue, discs, and ligaments. Motorcyclists, who have no protection from a vehicle’s frame, are especially vulnerable to suffering spine injuries in crashes.

Anyone who has suffered a spinal cord injury in a vehicle collision should consult a seasoned Queens attorney who could help investigate whether someone’s negligence was the cause of the accident.


Slip and fall accidents and falls from heights can also cause spinal cord injuries. An accident that may be an easy recovery for a young person can cause long-term harm to someone whose bones are more brittle.

Property owners have a responsibility to notify guests and residents of any hazards that could cause a slip, such as ice or a spill. Staff members at nursing homes also have a responsibility to protect elderly residents from dangerous falls. An attorney could gather the evidence needed to prove how someone else’s carelessness failed to prevent a catastrophic slip and fall accident.

Recoverable Damages in Spinal Cord Injury Cases

Spinal cord injuries require extensive medical care and often keep the individual from returning to work while they recover. The civil court considers various factors when determining the total award amount. They review the scope of the injuries and how they will affect the plaintiff’s life in the future. Recoverable damages in these injury cases can include the following:

  • Healthcare expenses and future medical care
  • Lost salary, benefits, and future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Lost enjoyment of life

According to New York Civil Practice Law & Rules § 1411, if the jury finds that the defendant was negligent, the plaintiff is entitled to recover damages. However, according to this same statute, a defendant may argue that the plaintiff shares responsibility for their injuries. Courts will evaluate the actions of all parties involved in an accident and can reduce an award by the amount of fault they assign an injured plaintiff. A spinal cord injury lawyer in Queens could fight back against unfair accusations of fault and ensure that a plaintiff gets the full award they deserve.

Meet With a Skilled Queens Spinal Cord Injury Attorney

A spinal cord injury can require lifelong medical care and even leave you unable to work. If you suffer this type of devastating injury because of another person’s negligence or malicious actions, civil laws could entitle you to compensation.

Though financial damages may not return you to a time before your accident, they could allow you to hold the at-fault party accountable, get quality medical care, and cover your financial losses. A hard-working Queens spinal cord injury lawyer could fight on your behalf for the payments you need and deserve. Call today to schedule a consultation.

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