Filing a Long Island Bus Accident Claim

Bus AccidentIf you have been injured in a bus accident, whether as a passenger or on the road as a pedestrian or in another vehicle, it is important to get medical attention for you and anyone else in your family who was involved.

If you have serious injuries and want to pursue a lawsuit, our experienced bus accident attorneys can help. It is important to contact us as soon as possible as there are some specific regulations and timeframes concerning public transit and other bus companies.

Accident Causes

Accidents involving buses are usually due to one of the following:

  • Negligence of the bus driver. This could be due to distractions, failure to obey traffic laws or because they are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Improper maintenance of bus
  • Defective bus
  • Another driver’s negligence

Establishing Fault

Our lawyers will work to determine all parties at fault. This can be the bus company, the driver, the bus manufacturer, another driver on the road another party. We work with top-notch investigators and medical experts to present the best case possible to get you the money to deserve.

Call us now for a free consultation and we will answer all your questions and let you know your legal rights. There is no cost or obligation. When you work with our personal injury lawyers, there are no out-of-pocket expenses—we only get paid after you get a verdict or settlement.

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