How long does whiplash last after a car accident?

If you are having headaches, neck pain, or tingling in your arms or hands, you might be wondering how long whiplash will last after your car accident. It could last a few days or for the rest of your life.

Why is there such a wide range of possible recovery outcomes?

The prognosis for recovery will depend on your individual injury. Whiplash can include injury to intervertebral joints, discs, and ligaments, cervical muscles, and nerve roots. The specific area of your injury and the severity of that injury will play a role in determining the path and success of your recovery. Your age, lifestyle, and overall health, including any underlying medical issues, can also be factors in how well you will recuperate from your whiplash injury.

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) reports that some whiplash symptoms can start fading within a few days or weeks when a person has sustained a very mild whiplash injury. Most patients are able to achieve recovery within three months. In cases of whiplash injuries that are more severe, however, residual neck pain and headaches can remain long after the initial three months.

In some cases of severe whiplash, you might feel certain effects for years or even for the rest of your life.

How much can I recover for my whiplash injury?

It can be difficult to recover compensation for whiplash because you cannot see whiplash injuries on CT scans, X-rays, or MRI. This means that a diagnosis could rely on your ability to articulate the pain you are feeling and your doctor’s ability to recognize and diagnosis it.

Once you have proven your whiplash, you need to remember that your prognosis and the longevity of your symptoms will determine how much compensation you can recover. If your doctor expects you to have a complete recovery, your claim will be worth less than if your doctor expected you to have long-lasting or permanent impairment.

If your doctor expects your recovery to take only a few weeks and involve chiropractic treatment only, the value of your claim will be less than if s//he expected your recovery to take a year and involve physical therapy or surgery.

The more you must go through to be whole again physically, the more recovery you are likely to receive for your injuries.

Where can I get help with my whiplash case on Long Island?

The Long Island whiplash injury lawyers at Goldstein & Bashner can help. Our team will sit down and discuss your claim with you, answer any questions you might have, and help you navigate through the car accident injury claims process.

And there is no risk on your part. We do not charge a fee unless you recover compensation.

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