What information is an insurance adjuster looking for?

The insurance adjuster will attempt to establish if there’s an injury and what your responsibility was in the fall. He may attempt to resolve (settle) the case immediately. The adjustor may ask you a series of questions such as:

  • The extent or type of injury
  • What were you doing just before the accident
  • Warnings that may have been ignored
  • Whether you had a reason for being in the area

It’s generally not in your best interest to speak with the adjuster without having reviewed the specifics of your case with a personal injury attorney. If you try and settle without a lawyer, they will try to low-ball you and save as much money as possible. As soon as you tell them you are negotiating your own settlement, they know you’re trying to save money. To them, that means you may even be desperate. They also know you won’t be as knowledgeable about their tricks and tactics and like those tens or hundreds of thousands of people before you, they know how they can play you until you either become so frustrated you settle for their bad offer or become panicked that your time is running out. We suggest you call us today for a free case evaluation. We will let you know your options and if you have a strong case and choose to hire us, you will most likely get a much higher settlement if you have us on your side!

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