I just learned my daughter was raped at a New York college. What are my legal options?

The majority of sexual assault calls that come in to our offices concern college women, most often in their freshman year. They usually take place in the dorm room.

We know how devastating it is to learn your daughter was assaulted, and it is important to know you have legal options. In addition to filing criminal charges that punish the rapist, you have the right to a civil lawsuit against the assailant as well as other parties (such as the school) that may be responsible, or partly responsible, for the attack.

Each case has its own circumstances, and a competent lawyer will investigate the best legal action to pursue and work hard to fight for your rights. This includes determining any role the college might have played in allowing this to happen—such as insufficient security, broken locks or windows, poor lighting or allowing a student to remain who was a known risk to the community.

Our compassionate lawyers have extensive experience in dealing with sexual assault cases and understand how hard it is for victims to come forward and discuss their experience with anyone, especially a lawyer they do not know. We make every effort to put you and your family at ease and will work hard to get you the money you may need to help with your daughter’s physical and emotional recovery.

Contact us anytime with questions or to discuss your case. There is never a fee for a consultation and we will take all the time you need to answer questions and explain your legal options. There is no obligation and never a fee until you receive a judgment or settlement.

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