I hurt my back pretty badly in a car accident. What should I do?

Back injuries are very common after a car accident due to the sudden jolt of the impact. Sometimes the pain is immediate, but other times it may take several weeks before the pain starts. It is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible to help get pain relief and figure out your treatment options.

These options, which may include medication, injections, spinal stimulation, acupuncture, physical therapy, nerve blocks or surgery, can be lengthy and costly. Sometimes different options need to be tried until a successful outcome is reached. On top of that, you may be unable to work and have other costs to worry about.

If your accident was the result of someone else’s negligence, we can help you get the compensation you need to help pay these bills, recover lost wages and get the treatment you need without worrying about financial ruin.

Our lawyers have been working for more than 25 years to help car accident victims get the maximum compensation they deserve. Contact us for a free consultation and we can discuss your case, explore if your case qualifies to sue beyond above no-fault limitations and answer all your questions.

Our lawyers work with a team of experts to investigate the accident, gather evidence to support your claim and document medical injuries and costs. We have helped clients throughout Long Island and New York City to get them the maximum compensation they deserve. We only get paid after we get you a settlement or verdict.

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