College Campus Sexual Assaults: What You Need to Know

If you or a loved one was sexually assaulted on a college campus, you are not alone. The statistics are staggering: 1 in 5 women are targets of sexual assault while they are college students.

We know from our experiences with other victims, the wide range of emotions and physical symptoms you may be feeling. These are all very common reactions to an incredibly traumatic experience. It is important to recognize them as normal and temporary, and deal with these fears and feelings in order to regain control of your life.

We’ve written this free resource to help you and your family take steps that can help you on your road to recovery and also protect your legal rights.

This resource provides 5 steps to take after an assault.We list ways to help in your recover and provide a list of resources, most with 24/7 helplines and support. We also inlclue information to help if you want to pursue legal action and help explain the differences between a criminal case (which will punish the attacker) and a civil case (which will compensate you for any medical bills, expenses and pain and suffering).

Our College Sexual Assault Lawyers Can Help

If you have any questions or want to discuss your case, you can always contact us through our website or at 516-874-7303. We are experienced in handling these cases and have helped to serve victims as both a close companion and as competent legal advisers. We have helped numerous assault victims overcome the terrible wrong doings that they have had to encounter. In doing so, we have assisted victims in recovering monetary compensation for the physical and emotional injuries that they may have sustained.

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