What is C.R.P.S. (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome May Increase the Value of Your CaseComplex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) formerly reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), “causalgia”, or reflex neurovascular dystrophy (RND) is an amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome (AMPS). It is a chronic systemic disease characterized by severe pain, swelling, and changes in the skin. CRPS often worsens over time. It may initially affect an arm or leg and spread throughout the body; 35% of people report symptoms throughout their whole body. Other potential effects include: systemic autonomic dysregulation; neurogenic edema; musculoskeletal, endocrine, or dermatological manifestations; and changes in urological or gastrointestinal function.

It can happen after trauma from an accident, and therefore you want both a skilled doctor to diagnose it as well as an experienced personal injury attorney to make sure you get maximum compensation for this diagnosis.

If you suffer from CRPS from an accident that was caused by another party’s fault or negligence, please contact our law firm today.

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