Thirteen-Year-Old Hangs Herself after Suffering Years of Bullying

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After enduring years of relentless bullying from other students, a 13-year-old girl from Yucaipa, CA, killed herself. On November 28, the young girl made the decision to hang herself and left her parents the following note:

“Sorry, Mom and Dad. I love you… Sorry, Mom, you’re gonna find me like this.”

On December 1, her parents made the decision to remove her from life support.

According to her parents, their daughter was viciously bullied for years, to the point that the young girl often cut herself and was in counseling. She also kept a diary that detailed each bullying incident she was put through.

Despite all the evidence and information provided about what their daughter was being exposed to every day, the parents say the school and the school district did nothing to protect their daughter, even though it was reported time and time again.

Last week, a group of parents protested outside the Mesa View Middle School where the girl attended, with several parents sharing stories of their own children being the target of bullying and school officials doing nothing to stop it. One father described how his 13-year-old daughter used to love going to school, but now she can’t wait for the weekends when she can stay home and get a reprieve from the abuse from other students.

The school district has released a statement saying they are working closely with law enforcement regarding the allegations of bullying.

There is nothing more tragic than the death of a child and the pain these parents are living through right now, but what makes this story even more horrifying is that since the death of their daughter, the parents are being harassed on social media, including people creating memes that make fun of their daughter’s death.

Upon hearing of this tragedy, Attorney Neal Goldstein commented, “It is the duty of the school district to protect all students. What is going on at this school that all of these children are not only being exposed to this type of abuse, but nothing is being done to stop it? Parents who have children that are being bullied like this should contact an attorney to discuss the legal recourse they may have when school officials fail to do their job.”

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