Long Island Railroad Crashes at Brooklyn Terminal Leaving Over 100 Injured

Traffic after an accident

A horrible LIRR crash occurred Wednesday morning during the morning rush hour at the Atlantic terminal in Brooklyn. The underground terminal is located near the Barclays Center. Although the injuries are non-life threatening, injuries did include broken bones head injuries and back injuries. The train had come to the end of the line at the Atlantic Terminal Station, officials said, but crashed into a small room just beyond the end of the track. According to fire officials at the scene, metal that appeared to be from a rail pierced the bottom of the train and the wheels lifted up.

Passengers Report Chaos and Hearing a Loud Boom

One passenger reported to WCBS-TV that he was sitting at the time, jumped out of his seat and then back down and up again. “The train jumped the end of the line and went right over the embankment and into a station office, and people who were standing up to exit the train all toppled on top of each other.” Other passengers reported total chaos and smoke in the train. Many passengers reported a loud “boom.” The Federal Railroad Administration will be investigating, as there are conflicting reports on how fast the train was going.

We Can Help You Get Compensated for Your Serious Injuries

Train derailments, and crashes can be devastating. It was estimated that 600 people were traveling on this train when the crash occurred. While the injuries reported so far are non life-threatening it doesn’t mean the passengers are not entitled to compensation. Several of the injuries reported are serious under the eyes of the law, and it would be advisable to seek medical attention and speak with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Your best chance at getting the maximum amount of compensation you are entitled to will be by hiring a Long Island Railroad accident attorney. Compensation is not just limited to passengers either. According to Neal Goldstein, partner at Goldstein and Bashner “Railroad employees are protected under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA), which provides full compensation if the railroad was negligent. Compensation available under FELA is usually a lot higher than what is provided through New York Workers’ Compensation Law for non-railroad workers.”

Whether you are an injured passenger or worker, as a client of Goldstein and Bashner, you will be represented by a railroad injury attorney who will take your case personally.  We measure the success of our law firm by the well-being of our clients.  Our attorneys know what it is like to be affected by a serious injury, as we have witnessed family members being forced to cope with disabilities.  So not only are you being represented by a lawyer who is experienced and has a strong track record of winning railroad injury cases, you are also working with someone who cares about what you are going through and you can trust.  Call us today for a free consultationat 516-874-0466.

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