Long Island Teacher Sexual Abuse Claims

There have been several stories in the New York metropolitan area of teachers sexually abusing students. Teachers are authority figures that students look up to, admire and are told to obey. When these teachers take advantage of this relationship, it is an abuse of power that can have devastating effects on the victims for years. The same goes for coaches, counselors and other school district employees. Our sexual assault lawyers have seen cases at the elementary level all the way up to high school—where teachers may feel they have “consent,” but the imbalance of power makes consent not possible.

It is important if you suspect your child is being sexually abused by a teacher, to seek help.

Signs of Abuse

Signs that a child is being sexually abused include:

  • Avoiding school or a specific class
  • Uncharacteristic and sudden drop in grades
  • Self-destructive behavior
  • Changes in behavior, including withdrawal, fearfulness and discipline issues
  • Change in eating habits
  • Difficulty sleeping and nightmares.
  • Depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide.

Steps to Take if Your Child is Abused

It is devastating to imagine your innocent child as the victim of sexual abuse, especially when the abuser is one in a position of trust. It is important to report the crime and seek help. Alerting school officials and the police can help remove the teacher and prevent him or her from abusing other children. Seeking counseling and support can help with the healing process. There are several groups, including RAINN and Safe Horizon. If you want to seek monetary damages to cover the counseling, medical bills, pain, and suffering as well as provide a sense of justice and closure, our sexual assault lawyers can help.

How We Can Help

At Goldstein & Bashner, our New York, and Long Island sexual abuse lawyers have extensive experience in dealing these cases and are sensitive to the fear, confusion, embarrassment and pain young victims of sexual abuse are experiencing. We have listened, counseled and worked with families to help get the compensation deserved for the physical and emotional injuries these young, innocent victims suffer. Contact us for a free, private consultation. We will answer all your questions, discuss your case and let you know what you can expect from the legal process.

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